Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fleks & Svek (and an apology)

Well, here we are on this fine Saturday night... I completely forgot about yesterday's post until this morning! (facepalm) We were out a lot of Friday doing things. Anyway, here is another of my multimedia adventures. (pencil + pen + watercolor) apart from Svek (on the right) whose color scheme was pretty flat anyway. Fleks is also more detailed. These are chibi versions of the main characters from a story of mine that I started and hope to finish sometime. Not a full-length novel but maybe a novella or long story. I posted the introduction for it a while back I think, if you can find it.. I have in fact written several pages, but all on my antique typewriter to give it a wonderful distressed feel. As such, I cannot post those until I scan them. Talking about scanning - I'm going to need to continue the search for a scanner - I'm running out of drawings and I don't have many digital projects going at the moment (though I promise to post one next time!) Well I think that's all for now, I have to go to bed soon! (can hear parents coming up stairs, must type faster!)
~Until next time~

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