Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Diamond Jubilee!

Well, It's been 60 years since Queen Elizabeth the Second became queen, so I decided to make my own  patriotic tribute. In Minecraft. Well, actually my dad was criticizing us (half-joking of course) that we weren't being patriotic by not standing up for the national anthem. So I decided to show him how patriotic I really was by building this. (The 60 in the middle is made out of diamond blocks and the E ii R is the Queen's royal crest) I would have done it in time for the jubilee, except for that fact that I came up with the idea only last Friday, and had the weekend to make it. Still, I am very happy with how it came out. (doing all the white spaces was an absolute BORE, I can tell you)
Well, I think that's about it for This Tuesday's post! More art on Friday.

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