Friday, June 22, 2012


Hello once again! Our internet was broken all day yesterday, and we only just got it back. It's funny how you never realize how much you use something until it's gone. I kept thinking "Oh, I'll just look that up - crud." Anyway, today's drawing is of a little alien I call Tirqu. I haven't thought about him or his kind much, but I have a good feeling about him and I want to develop him more. As a character, he is a scientist, as we can see here. He always wears a single-piece cloth suit with a big zipper, making it like a comfortable jumpsuit. You never see his feet, and his arms are slightly out of proportion. No, I don't know what that thing is either, its some kind of socket that he drags around like hair. I really like this guy, but I'm less than proud of the result. The watercolors are messy, there's not much shading that you can see, and I goofed on the perspective of his lifted arm. However, this was when I was still experimenting with this new style, so I'm not about to beat myself up over it. I will make it a future project to re-do this.
P.S. I've been considering graphic novels as a path to go with my art, so I have been reading some books on the subject. My first comic is in the works now! (still planning and sketching)

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