Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Paper Boats

Whoo, I almost forgot to post again! :D My grandparents are arriving late tonight so we got kinda busy, Anyway, I'm back with another drawing. I'm actually starting to run out of scanned drawings (haven't had access to a scanner in a while) so I need to get cracking on some more digital pieces! I nearly did one but I have been busy painting so I haven't got round to doing the finishing touches. I should get that one done by next post or post after. But today we have this drawing of a couple of paper boats I found on Teh InterWebz! I copied the water tension and reflections as best I could but it turned out looking a bit strange translating from photo to paper. Oh well, at least you should be able to tell what they are! I put less definition on the far one to put it a little out of focus. Took around 5 hours (I'm going to start putting estimations of the time taken on here for fun) Also, I was looking at some cool videos of the mysterious 'Herobrine' from Minecraft (any fans of minecraft should know what I mean, people who don't care much for the game need read no further) and it got me thinking about a backstory, of which the game itself has none. So I wrote one! I am also working on an adventure map of my own, so it will tie in with that. Maybe next time I will see if I can post a PDF link in case anyone wants to read it.
I think that's everything!

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