Friday, June 8, 2012

ROTMG Final Class

Here we have the final class for my ROTMG sketches. I had to do it on it's own because the number of classes is not divisible by three. The trickster has a 'prism' (Here denoted by the necklace) that can teleport the player to the mouse, sending a dummy in the opposite direction that all enemies will attack instead of you. Pretty handy, mostly for running away though. She also carries a dagger. I really need to get the final moving. (I haven't got very far with it, I've been so busy!) I have nearly finished another digital piece that you guys will like though! I just have a few touch-ups and tweaks left to go. And some news: I went to the folk-life and got a nice hat! Slightly steampunk, it's made of real leather! (it smells so good!) So now my room smells of hat! I've also got a lot of Warhammer 400,00 miniatures sitting on my desk that need to get basecoated, though I'm not sure when I'll paint them.. (includes 1 Pyrovore, 5 (new) Tau stealth suits, and 5 Necron Deathmarks. I already have a full army of Tyranids and nearly a full army of Tau. Just started the Necrons though.)
See you next week!

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