Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Test Subject Blue 2.0

Greetings once again from this week's Tuesday's post! Here is another watercolor Nitrome character, from the game of the same title, who uses a laser gun and his wits to get through each miniature test chamber. He (a sentient, learning, goo) is injected into his suit at the start of each level by a scientist and goes about his tasks. The original suit is here:
As you can see, I have made the suit a lot more complex, and my idea is that it is a more advanced second edition of the suit. However, it still retains the glass dome to hold the goo, and a similar color scheme. I'm thinking I might send this to Nitrome as fan art.
Nitrome Games: http://www.nitrome.com/


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! (he's definitely one of my favorites)

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