Tuesday, July 3, 2012

HMS Indefatigable

Sorry once again, I almost got that digital piece finished off for today, but with my grandparents out here, not as much art is getting done as usual. So today I'll just post an image I made in Pixen. It's a steampunk airship christened the HMS Indefatigable. One of the larger warships in the skies, it sports two side engines, assisted by a larger engine inside the hull. The balloon is set slightly backwards to compensate for a weightier stern. It was designed mostly as a weapons/VIP carrier/blockade runner and so has roomy accommodation (as demonstrated by the row of portholes) and is lightly armed with only two heavy cannons (many of the largest warships have 10-12) Crew: 35-45. I hope you don't mind this over some of my other 'real' art. (I'm not very good with pixel art yet)

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