Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fleks & Svek (and an apology)

Well, here we are on this fine Saturday night... I completely forgot about yesterday's post until this morning! (facepalm) We were out a lot of Friday doing things. Anyway, here is another of my multimedia adventures. (pencil + pen + watercolor) apart from Svek (on the right) whose color scheme was pretty flat anyway. Fleks is also more detailed. These are chibi versions of the main characters from a story of mine that I started and hope to finish sometime. Not a full-length novel but maybe a novella or long story. I posted the introduction for it a while back I think, if you can find it.. I have in fact written several pages, but all on my antique typewriter to give it a wonderful distressed feel. As such, I cannot post those until I scan them. Talking about scanning - I'm going to need to continue the search for a scanner - I'm running out of drawings and I don't have many digital projects going at the moment (though I promise to post one next time!) Well I think that's all for now, I have to go to bed soon! (can hear parents coming up stairs, must type faster!)
~Until next time~

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Paper Boats

Whoo, I almost forgot to post again! :D My grandparents are arriving late tonight so we got kinda busy, Anyway, I'm back with another drawing. I'm actually starting to run out of scanned drawings (haven't had access to a scanner in a while) so I need to get cracking on some more digital pieces! I nearly did one but I have been busy painting so I haven't got round to doing the finishing touches. I should get that one done by next post or post after. But today we have this drawing of a couple of paper boats I found on Teh InterWebz! I copied the water tension and reflections as best I could but it turned out looking a bit strange translating from photo to paper. Oh well, at least you should be able to tell what they are! I put less definition on the far one to put it a little out of focus. Took around 5 hours (I'm going to start putting estimations of the time taken on here for fun) Also, I was looking at some cool videos of the mysterious 'Herobrine' from Minecraft (any fans of minecraft should know what I mean, people who don't care much for the game need read no further) and it got me thinking about a backstory, of which the game itself has none. So I wrote one! I am also working on an adventure map of my own, so it will tie in with that. Maybe next time I will see if I can post a PDF link in case anyone wants to read it.
I think that's everything!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Hello once again! Our internet was broken all day yesterday, and we only just got it back. It's funny how you never realize how much you use something until it's gone. I kept thinking "Oh, I'll just look that up - crud." Anyway, today's drawing is of a little alien I call Tirqu. I haven't thought about him or his kind much, but I have a good feeling about him and I want to develop him more. As a character, he is a scientist, as we can see here. He always wears a single-piece cloth suit with a big zipper, making it like a comfortable jumpsuit. You never see his feet, and his arms are slightly out of proportion. No, I don't know what that thing is either, its some kind of socket that he drags around like hair. I really like this guy, but I'm less than proud of the result. The watercolors are messy, there's not much shading that you can see, and I goofed on the perspective of his lifted arm. However, this was when I was still experimenting with this new style, so I'm not about to beat myself up over it. I will make it a future project to re-do this.
P.S. I've been considering graphic novels as a path to go with my art, so I have been reading some books on the subject. My first comic is in the works now! (still planning and sketching)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Test Subject Blue 2.0

Greetings once again from this week's Tuesday's post! Here is another watercolor Nitrome character, from the game of the same title, who uses a laser gun and his wits to get through each miniature test chamber. He (a sentient, learning, goo) is injected into his suit at the start of each level by a scientist and goes about his tasks. The original suit is here:
As you can see, I have made the suit a lot more complex, and my idea is that it is a more advanced second edition of the suit. However, it still retains the glass dome to hold the goo, and a similar color scheme. I'm thinking I might send this to Nitrome as fan art.
Nitrome Games:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Balana Thranta

Hooray for Star Wars! (whatever is said about the prequels, they were great. GET OVER IT NERDS) Here we have a (now extinct) creature from the planet of Alderaan. Used to carry people like a bus. The Thrantas came in many sizes, these are some of the smaller breeds. This image was copied from a book entitled 'The Wildlife of Star Wars' as a practice with my teacher. I used pencil and pens, as always. Anyway, got my sister's horse show tomorrow, followed by a visit from a friend on Sunday (we're going to play Minecraft! yeahhhh) See you next week!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Diamond Jubilee!

Well, It's been 60 years since Queen Elizabeth the Second became queen, so I decided to make my own  patriotic tribute. In Minecraft. Well, actually my dad was criticizing us (half-joking of course) that we weren't being patriotic by not standing up for the national anthem. So I decided to show him how patriotic I really was by building this. (The 60 in the middle is made out of diamond blocks and the E ii R is the Queen's royal crest) I would have done it in time for the jubilee, except for that fact that I came up with the idea only last Friday, and had the weekend to make it. Still, I am very happy with how it came out. (doing all the white spaces was an absolute BORE, I can tell you)
Well, I think that's about it for This Tuesday's post! More art on Friday.

Friday, June 8, 2012

ROTMG Final Class

Here we have the final class for my ROTMG sketches. I had to do it on it's own because the number of classes is not divisible by three. The trickster has a 'prism' (Here denoted by the necklace) that can teleport the player to the mouse, sending a dummy in the opposite direction that all enemies will attack instead of you. Pretty handy, mostly for running away though. She also carries a dagger. I really need to get the final moving. (I haven't got very far with it, I've been so busy!) I have nearly finished another digital piece that you guys will like though! I just have a few touch-ups and tweaks left to go. And some news: I went to the folk-life and got a nice hat! Slightly steampunk, it's made of real leather! (it smells so good!) So now my room smells of hat! I've also got a lot of Warhammer 400,00 miniatures sitting on my desk that need to get basecoated, though I'm not sure when I'll paint them.. (includes 1 Pyrovore, 5 (new) Tau stealth suits, and 5 Necron Deathmarks. I already have a full army of Tyranids and nearly a full army of Tau. Just started the Necrons though.)
See you next week!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Hello chaps/chappettes! (almost forgot to post again! herp derp) This one is done like the necromancer (which has nearly 40 views, by the way, from people just google image searching for realm of the mad god!) With pen outline, shaded with pencil, and then colored with watercolors. The Thoxen is an old creation of mine, from a story I started writing (and never finished) It wasn't very good but it was one of my first ventures into writing really. Anyway, the Thoxen is an alien race from the planet Geig. Geig is one of two planets, the other called Chék. Geig orbits Chék in a solar system, and Chék is occupied by a human settlement. Thoxen are known for stealth and ninja-like abilities, as well as their bony, serrated 'heel-spikes.' Their preferred weapons are knives and high-powered 'proton pistols' that are somewhat similar to welding torches that can shoot things (description FAIL!) I actually like how his head-tentacles came out. They aren't actually prehensile, like proper tentacles, but are still fleshy protrusions unlike hair. I think that's it for this picture! (I really do LOVE this technique though. It always looks so good!)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Dirk Valentine

So Dirk Valentine is a game character from a brilliant flash game by the amazing Nitrome. Nitrome is a small, independent British game studio who make retro art-style games with pixelly graphics and intuitive, innovative gameplay. Dirk Valentine is a steampunk-style guy who shoots a chain cannon that can stick to walls to create bridges. I kinda made him 'realistic' but not all the way, because the original was VERY tiny with a HUGE hat and big gun. I'm thinking I might send this in to Nitrome as fanart.
Link to Nitrome:
Some other good ones are Steamlands, Swindler, Knuckleheads, Nitrome Must Die, Fault Line, Fat Cat, and Off The Rails. Be seeing you next week,