Friday, February 3, 2012

Snohomish Teens

This was just a quick 15-minute project. My mom was setting up a Snohomish Teens homeschool group, and she wanted me to make a picture with the Snohomish bridge and the mountains in the background. (my first commission!) The water looked pretty cruddy when I had it scaled up, but it looks a lot better when it's small. I'm also quite proud of my clouds. And I really like pictures with BIG LETTERS on them, I think because of the focus they bring to the picture. (i'm not entirely sure though)
Some news: Justin Hillgrove (I have been going to some of his open nights at his house, look him up!) has offered to let me scan some of my drawings on his big scanner so I can post them on my blog! So you should see a lot more traditional stuff in a few weeks. Furthermore, when I get a good scanner of my own, I'll be able to sketch things out on paper and use Painter on top of them to color them. (I find color on Painter easy, but not the sketching!)
Over and out!

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