Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Endermen - Before and After

I did this a few days ago. A picture of my *favorite* Minecraft monster: Endermen! It is popular to draw 'realistic' minecraft monsters, and I always felt that the endermen are meant to be MUCH scarier than they are portrayed. On the left is my original scanned sketch done with pen, on the right is the Painter version. I did the moon by opening an image in Gimp, then copying it out and pasting it. After a few trims, I just added the glow on a seperate layer behind it. Vignette always helps in an image, I find, and I wanted this image to be really dark, with the backs of the E-men fading into the night, so there is HEAVY vignette there. I really like the way it interacted with the floor texture as well.

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