Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Smooth As Silk

This is a piece of writing I did recently just for practice.
I am really happy with it! Usually when I read my own writing it feels forced or cheesy, which is understandable since I am the one who wrote it. This is interesting because when I read back over it it felt like someone else had written it. In a good way, mind. I am thinking that some time in the future I might expand this into a short story, maybe even a novel! This bit may become the opening, or at least near the opening. (the title will probably be 'Smooth As Silk.' Read and you will find out why! Please leave comments for suggestions or criticisms! 

“Hey,” said Aron, “I didn’t mean anything like that. I Just think we should give him a bit of support, you know? It must be hard for him.” 
“I guess you’re right,” muttered Finn. His pupils, shaped like sideways eights in his huge green eyes, rested on Aron. Aron’s hair twisted in frustration. “Well what are we waiting for!” he exclaimed. Finn nodded and reached for his heavily tinted glasses. Pulling on his hoodie, Aron called out to Finn’s mom, “We’re just going round to Silk’s house! Be back in a while! Can you tell my mom where I’ve gone?”
Finn’s mom returned something that sounded like a yes from upstairs as Aron headed out the door. 
Finn stared out the window. Well, he couldn’t really tell where he was looking with those sunglasses on. Aron himself was having trouble keeping his hair under control, even with the hood to hide it. It really did have a mind of it’s own. Thankfully, nobody on the bus seemed to have noticed, and the only look he’d got so far was the ‘Why-are-you-wearing-a-coat-that-thick-in-the-middle-of-summer’ look. 
“I hope he’s all right,” said Aron. “It really was bad, how he died like that.”
“Mmm,” agreed the ever-taciturn Finn. 
“At least he has understanding parents, right Finn? I mean I don’t know how my mom would react if I just died suddenly.” Finn just looked out the window. Aron combed his hair back into submission and continued. “I wonder what it’s like being dead... must be more interesting than having hair that tries to eat hats....”
Finally the bus stopped and the two boys made their way off. Silk’s house wasn’t exactly big. It just stood out a bit from the houses around it. Okay, it stood out quite a lot. Silk’s family lived comfortably. Aron had never thought to ask what his parents did, but whatever it was it must have been important. 
The door opened at Aron’s knock to reveal Silk’s dad. He smiled at the boys. “Hey guys,” he said genially. “Come in!” Aron and Finn stepped into the big house and took off their disguises. Finn blinked in the light, looking more than a bit like an owl, and Aron ran his hand through his hair, making it ripple and stand on end like it was underwater.
“Thanks for coming by,” Silk’s dad said. “SIlk’s going through another diffusive stage again and I think he needed someone to talk to.” Aron hopped up the stairs to the next floor, followed by the calmer Finn. At the end of the hallway was Silk’s room, the door closed. Aron knocked and entered. The room was completely empty except for the figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floor, his hands on his knees. It wasn’t that Silk couldn’t have anything. In his family, money was no object. He just didn’t feel a need for material possessions anymore. It was probably the whole death thing, Aron reasoned. 
Nearly a month ago, Silk had died. He was cycling home when a summer storm hit. A tree came down on top of him, killing him instantly. Except a blue-white figure, a softly glowing copy of himself, got up, walked through the tree, got on his bike, and rode home. Regenerative ability always ran in his family, but never this much. His parents were astonished, but understanding. His death hadn’t changed him much. He was still funny, outgoing, and friendly. Except for the glowing and transparency. And sometimes he went through ‘diffusive stages’ where he couldn’t touch or hold anything, and his mood became sullen and slow.
At the sound of Aron and Finn’s approach Silk looked up and smiled. His friends could always cheer him up at times like this. 

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