Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. (I thought this might happen. I'm a bad blogger... *sniff*)
Anyway, I am sorry to report that the pixellated alien races image is going a lot slower than I thought.
I only could think of 8 and I am sure that I have more than that.
Anyway, I am also creating another Medusa, this time closer to the way I had it in my head.
(more sleeker, skinnier, and with actual feet and hands.) Soon I will post an 'in-progress' image for you guys. Just thought you might like to see how it looks while I am working (and as a teaser kind of thing. hehe) I am really happy with how it is going so far!
Bless your face! And if you sneezed while reading this post, bless you!
(Tobuscus made that up, not me!)

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