Friday, May 4, 2012

Realm of the Mad God Necromancer

Okay, this is my 'realistic' version of the Necromancer (best class in ROTMG really, the destruction of the Wizard combined with the healing of the Priest makes for a truly winning character) With his staff and skull (which does area damage and heals you and nearby players) Used sprites for the cloak and weapons as well as the character sprite himself. This was done with pencil, outlined in pen, and colored with watercolor. (i think the skull is the bast part) This is VERY cartoony and the big project will not be done this way, since it will be digital, I am going for a more realistic feel. Still, really happy with this! I was going to post the next page of class sketches but I know I have some readers who will LOVE to see this.
(Necro FTW!)

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