Monday, November 19, 2012

Bounty Hunter

Welcome to Monday, everyone!

The original idea for this drawing came from a little idea where a guy walks into a (sci-fi) bar carrying the severed and beaten-up head of a Medusa and thumps it down on the bar, ordering a drink. The whole room goes quiet, old Western style. For this is a man who not only killed a Medusa, but brought back it's heavily damaged head as well! Medusas have a famous reputation for being allegedly indestructible, so you can see why this man is a source of fascination.

You see, he belongs to a secret organization called the MEG, or Medusa Elimination Group. Well, when I say secret, plenty of people know it exists, but it is still an "official" secret. The MEG has an unknown number of members, all of which have been highly trained in the 'art' of killing Medusas. However, what outsiders do not know is that the MEG works in close affiliation with the Medusas themselves, hiring them out as hitmen on 'infected' or rogue Medusas, even offering them specialized training to help them accomplish this task.

To explain: when a Medusa is 'infected' it means the wireless network that links all Medusas has been infected by a virus, or perhaps a mutation that evolved into a virus. Medusas can repel these attacks, but not after several hundred have been permanently affected. These viruses can range from inducing insanity, to death, to a hatred of their own kind. Whatever it is, the Medusas would much rather send an expendable lesser race to deal with them rather then do it themselves.

However, it sometimes happens that a MEG member will become intoxicated with the feeling of power of killing a supposedly indestructible being, and will go on a killing spree of non-infected Medusas. This greatly angers the Medusas, causing them to murder up to a thousand MEG members in retaliation, just to make the MEG remember it's place: employees, not superiors. These drops in the number of members have happened about twice in the last fifty years.

Maybe at some point I'll enlarge the project, but for now, its just a sketch (4x6 in. paper)

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