Monday, April 23, 2012

ROTMG classes pg 1

Okay, well here is page 1 of my Realm Of The Mad God (ROTMG) classes, the wizard (starting class) and the priest and archer (two early classes) ROTMG is a fun online game, with very pixellated sprite-like characters. My plan, as some of you know, is to do (digitally) all the classes, realistically, in a group shot (in action poses, don't worry) with maybe a realistic Oryx (final boss) looming up behind them. It is going to take a LONG time (and an unthinkable amount of layers) to do but it will be very satisfying. Maybe I can put it on a t-shirt! Furthermore, other projects I have planned is 'Beezlepug,' A devilish pug with red eyes, horns, and a tail (another shirt design) to join the ranks of Expendapug and Jabba the Pug. I also have a painting of a chibi version of Hamlet going with Justin (my painting teacher) as well as some 'fruit-hatted' creatures in the works (inspired by the Thursday night ramblings of Mike Capp, another local artist) Well, I think that's all (whew, long post!) Coming up: next page of the ROTMG classes sketches. I have them all done I am just going to post them one at a time.

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