Thursday, April 26, 2012


Well, I said ROTMG classes pg 2 would be next. I lied, sorry about that, I wanted to show you this. I did this in about 5 days in Corel Painter 11 by myself as a shirt design for my dad's birthday (finished product in the lower image) I ordered it through Zazzle. Aaron Rutten (digtal art teacher) said it my be the best digital one I have done so far! (insert chuffed face here) I love how it came out! (my shirt is on a grey-green color that works a bit better than straight grey. Zazzle prints designs IN the shirt, which means that they dont get damaged so easily (yay!) but they lose some definition (aww) Anyway, you can see (and buy! hahahah!!! $$$$$$$) the shirt here: I love Zazzle's shirts, but if you like more definition, or you want a more complex design, I would advise getting a bag (nice and big) or something smooth like a mousepad.

Monday, April 23, 2012

ROTMG classes pg 1

Okay, well here is page 1 of my Realm Of The Mad God (ROTMG) classes, the wizard (starting class) and the priest and archer (two early classes) ROTMG is a fun online game, with very pixellated sprite-like characters. My plan, as some of you know, is to do (digitally) all the classes, realistically, in a group shot (in action poses, don't worry) with maybe a realistic Oryx (final boss) looming up behind them. It is going to take a LONG time (and an unthinkable amount of layers) to do but it will be very satisfying. Maybe I can put it on a t-shirt! Furthermore, other projects I have planned is 'Beezlepug,' A devilish pug with red eyes, horns, and a tail (another shirt design) to join the ranks of Expendapug and Jabba the Pug. I also have a painting of a chibi version of Hamlet going with Justin (my painting teacher) as well as some 'fruit-hatted' creatures in the works (inspired by the Thursday night ramblings of Mike Capp, another local artist) Well, I think that's all (whew, long post!) Coming up: next page of the ROTMG classes sketches. I have them all done I am just going to post them one at a time.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jabba The Pug

Hello once again readers! Here we have a Pug Star Wars parody. This is meant to go with Expendapug a while back. I'm planning to put this up for sale as a t-shirt on Zazzle soon. I'll let you know when it's up there. (and send you a link) I'm going to edit this a bit, maybe put a few more rolls of skin on his body. I was going to put Expendapug up as a shirt as well, but viacom is VERY strict about copyright stuff so I was NOT allowed to put it up for sale. Or anywhere else probably. (unless i can find somewhere not monitored by Viacom's cronies.) Until next time..... (i'm off to Justin's open night in a couple of hours)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Happy Easter everyone! (or passover, I'm not sure how this holiday works) Well, this drawing is a reference to a free browser-based flash game called Steamlands. This robot (with some variation) is from the loading screen. Give the game a try! Its a pixellated steampunk side-scrolling battle game with tanks that you build and change as you go. Not very complex but very cute. I'm hoping to color this one in sometime in a retro, 1940s poster style, so I'll need to look some images up.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keflan-Street SKETCH

Hello, once again readers! Here is the sketch for Keflan Street, just thought you might want to see it. Yeah it's quite a bit different. We cut off a lot of the closer stuff, mostly just good old 7836 over there (not sure what that building actually is) and the guys here are out of scale, not quite fitting with the perspective. Oh, and by the way, I'm probably going to be a little unresponsive on this blog the next few weeks, I have an AP Psychology exam coming up so a LOT of my time will be spent revising. When that's over I should pick up the pace a little, as well as producing more new images for you guys!