Friday, December 23, 2011


This is a Medusa, one of a large family, almost an entire species, of robots. The Medusas all feature white bodies decorated with sunken glowing lines. The robotic tendrils are fully retractable, able to sink flush with the protrusions on the head. Medusas have a hierarchal system, designated by slightly modified bodies and different coloration in the lights.
The Medusa depicted is a Green Rank Medusa. It is the lowest rank, the majority of the Medusa population. They are the workers, soldiers, and citizens, the backbone of the Medusas. There are approximately 1,500 of them. There are four other ranks above Green, including Blue, Red, Grey, and White as the highest. (more about them in a later post)
The Green-rank Medusa depicted is an old model. I am currently working on the latest Medusa(G-R), trying to make it more like my original vision for the Medusas. The latest model will have proper feet instead of two tentacles, and ditto for the hands. The body will also be sleeker, thinner, taller, with more sticklike limbs to match the thinness of the tendrils.
I am looking forward to it!

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