Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Medusa Ranks - Blue and Up

As I mentioned before, the ranks of the Medusas (in ascending order) include Blue, Red, Grey, and White. The Blue ranks (numbering around 600) Are the executives. They carry decisions to the Greens from the Greys and Whites, act as ambassadors, officers, and low-level organizers. Apart from the color, they bear no difference in form from the Greens. The Reds are the warriors, the veterans of wars. Often they are the consciousness of Greens who have been in many battles placed in upgraded shells. They tend to be bulkier, more armored, with a sharper optical system, and the head-tentacles are tipped with tazers. They are allowed to carry some of the heavier weapons. There are close to 1,000 of them. The Greys act as the bodyguards to the Whites, and so there are only a few dozen of them. Their coloration is not exactly Grey, but instead a dimmed off-white. They have the same bodies as the Greens but with two opposable thumbs, a third eye, and a silver crown. They also carry medium range tazer-staffs. The White (for there is only one) is the ruler of all Medusas. It has pure white coloration that glows very brightly, and it has a moving mouth. It has anti-grav pads underneath its feet as well, so that it can hover without holding itself up by its own head-arms. It usually hovers within a large armored orb that can only be opened by a White, and its head-arms do not have tazers or claws, but information cables. It plugs them directly into a large computer and transmitter so it can think with extraordinary speed and skill, even for a Medusa, essentially becoming a supercomputer, or rather a super-supercomputer, as it exceeds the boundaries of any supercomputer we know. The transmitter amplifies these thoughts and spreads its commands to all Medusas and links them all together. The Blues amplify these messages to the Greens, as the signal weakens as it travels to lower-rank Medusas.
Whew! I think that's everything (half of that I think I made up on the spot.)
Next post: a list of all my alien races I have 'discovered' so far (with short descriptions.)
~->Sent from my New MacBook Pro!<-~

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Sorry this is late, I meant to post it Christmas day or the day after, but things got busy.
(as they always do)
Anyway, here it is. Merry Christmas! (although Ebeneezer Pug here doesn't agree with me)
This is not part of the same series as the 'Expendapug' design, but it is related.

Friday, December 23, 2011


This is a Medusa, one of a large family, almost an entire species, of robots. The Medusas all feature white bodies decorated with sunken glowing lines. The robotic tendrils are fully retractable, able to sink flush with the protrusions on the head. Medusas have a hierarchal system, designated by slightly modified bodies and different coloration in the lights.
The Medusa depicted is a Green Rank Medusa. It is the lowest rank, the majority of the Medusa population. They are the workers, soldiers, and citizens, the backbone of the Medusas. There are approximately 1,500 of them. There are four other ranks above Green, including Blue, Red, Grey, and White as the highest. (more about them in a later post)
The Green-rank Medusa depicted is an old model. I am currently working on the latest Medusa(G-R), trying to make it more like my original vision for the Medusas. The latest model will have proper feet instead of two tentacles, and ditto for the hands. The body will also be sleeker, thinner, taller, with more sticklike limbs to match the thinness of the tendrils.
I am looking forward to it!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Adventures of Tintin

We just went to see the Adventures Of Tintin movie, and I have to say that it is one of my favorite movies already. It stuck to the book very well, being adherent to the characters, style, and dialogue, right up to the middle, where it began to get very different.
There were many references to a lot of the other books, and only a few obvious 3-D moments. There were a few times where the action was suspiciously videogame-like, but it was thoroughly enjoyable. The animation and modeling was stunning, especially the water and the details on the faces, yet the characters were very much like they were in the books, and with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as Thompson and Thomson, what more could you ask for!
I give it a 10/10, and a place in my favorite movies section of my Blogger profile!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Here is the first of a planned series of cartoon pug-centric shirt designs with the pugs looking like various pop culture characters and references. This one imitates the Star Trek Redshirt. When I have this available as a t-shirt I will send you the link where you can get it!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Little Chiffon

Hey, I know this is tiny, but it's one of my first pixel art projects i ever did!
Perfect size for an icon.
It is a tiny steampunk airship with the words 'little chiffon' on the side in stupidly large letters.
(well, the smallest i could make them, but big compared to the ship.)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Flamethrower Robot - Utopia Robotics

My Corel Painter 11 image of a Flamethrower bot.
Very useful for clearing brush (and occasional military missions)
Part of a series of Utopia Robotics robots.

First post!

Hello peoples!
Sorry about the inconveniences of changing blogs, but I like blogger better.
With Christmas coming up, I have to warn you I may be slower with my posting.
However, I could be faster, with more free time to spend.
So it could get highly variable.
Anyway, I hope to be able to post lots of cool stuff soon!
thanks for reading, my little Fans! (as if i have any!)