Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New accounts everywhere...

So I've been doing a lot of online managing lately. I have a new Youtube channel, which I will post my vlogs to as soon as I get the chance to record something. I also have a new deviantart account, (closed the old one) where I will be posting my art but also impersonating one of my characters at the same time. I will also make another youtube account for a little video project I'm working on, which involves taking small snippet videos of my life and putting them together by day. I won't be recording the normal working days, obviously. Because "here's me doing a math problem" is real exciting isn't it! Anyway, I still need to make an account for that, but I will be recording some of my day at EvCC tomorrow. I'm also knocking this blog down to a post a week, just to make things easier. My vlog will be very random and probably not very often at all, at least every 2 weeks. But once things clear up I will try to regulate it. I kinda have no new art for a while... hopefully Justin will have an open night next week and I can have a scan-fest.
Until then...

my dA account: http://tirqu.deviantart.com/

my youtube vlog account: http://www.youtube.com/user/VloggusBritannicus?feature=mhee

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