Friday, September 28, 2012

Hurried Friday!

Here are the two main characters (at least the main characters where I am in the story right now, I might add more in later) of my novel, Chibified! Hamlet the robot, endowed with a brain of alien technology, and his creator, tinkerer and seller of machines, Maximillien Andarre. This was a short project done in Corel Painter 11, copied from a scanned pen drawing in my sketchbook. Not much to say about this one really... I need to get some more drawings scanned, I'm running out of stuff to upload! (but plenty of stuff in the sketchbook!) Oh well, next time will be a writing piece, I think you'll like what I have planned for then!

Thought of the day: "It's all a mystery. Let it come and it be." - Blackmill, 'Let it be'

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