Friday, September 28, 2012

Hurried Friday!

Here are the two main characters (at least the main characters where I am in the story right now, I might add more in later) of my novel, Chibified! Hamlet the robot, endowed with a brain of alien technology, and his creator, tinkerer and seller of machines, Maximillien Andarre. This was a short project done in Corel Painter 11, copied from a scanned pen drawing in my sketchbook. Not much to say about this one really... I need to get some more drawings scanned, I'm running out of stuff to upload! (but plenty of stuff in the sketchbook!) Oh well, next time will be a writing piece, I think you'll like what I have planned for then!

Thought of the day: "It's all a mystery. Let it come and it be." - Blackmill, 'Let it be'

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm Back...

Whew, sorry I have been neglecting you guys so much. For some reason Blogger would only load the Dashboard, giving me a black whenever I tried to write a post. I fiddled around a bit though and finally got it working again. I'm going to have to try extra hard to get these posts out regularly again, I will be attending the Everett Community College on mondays and wednesdays for the next 10 weeks.
But enough of that, I have some new digital art! This here is 3-D Toast, (in case you didn't know) He was invented for a Mother's day card (I think) and this is a digital work using the scanned drawing as a transparent layer over the top while I worked on it. Not my best work, obviously, but I meant it as a quick project. (and I don't have good images of my new drawings!) I think the "...Toast" idea could be used as a series a bit like the pugs.
And on that note, I'm thinking of starting a new series of paintings based on songs! If I have the mp3 of a song, I'll add that to the post as well as the image. (or youtube link) They won't be directly based on the song, but rather on the mood and subsequent imagery it evokes for me. (I've already done one, I just need to photograph it) I'm also thinking of posting some more writing on here, more on that next time.
Early morning post today! I have to go out soon. I'll post again on Friday, and then I'll try to get back to the routine.