Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm Back! (but not from the dead)

Hello once again my friends! Finally, my three-week Summer Program at Cornish College of the Arts is over, and I have enough time to blog again! The next few posts will probably be a bit random, but they will soon be back to the old schedule. I'm already missing Cornish - the 30-min car trip followed by a 45-min bus ride wasn't exactly exhilarating, but it was really fun to just get breakfast with some friends every day, go to class, and then eat lunch with some more friends - everyone was really nice and I just had a great time. The classes I did were Art Foundations, Comics Studio, and Watercolor Illustration. (It sounds like the students who were staying in the dorms, mostly out-of-state ones, didn't get much sleep though.) Anyway, there should be a steady stream of posts now, I'm returning with much more than I went in with!
Here are a few photos I took while I was there:
This is an exercise we did in Foundations - we draped a string/rope/length of tape over this display and drew the line - ONLY the line, interrupting it whenever it went behind an object. We then took turns to put another line on, and then we drew it. The second time we did this exercise only the teacher put the lines on but we moved one easel to our right every time he did, so we all worked on everybody else's drawing. The room looked like a spiderweb or some diabolical trap by the time we'd done!

Here is a charcoal (The first time I ever worked with charcoal was in this class - but not this drawing) we did in Foundations. We had a male nude model and three hours (approx, with breaks) to draw him. This was my result.

...And here is me with Conner, a friend I made there. He's 17 (he had his birthday on the last day, the gallery show - so technically this is him on his birthday) and he does amazing pen drawings, I'll probably post some sometime. On the wall behind us is the Comics Studio wall of the show (he was in that class with me)

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post, I will get back to you Friday morning! (I am going out Friday afternoon for teen mini-golf, then a sleepover at a friend's house, then an art lesson at the Redmond library the next day)

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