Tuesday, May 29, 2012

ROTMG Classes pg 4

So here is the penultimate page of the Realm of the Mad God classes. What's quite amusing is that ever since I posted these (and especially with the color necromancer) my pageviews have gone up. Not dramatically, still about 3 or 4, but they are more consistent, coming nearly every day instead of at intervals of close to weeks. It seems my posts come up a lot in google image searches. Anyway, on the far left is the paladin. I wasn't quite sure what to do for his special, which is just called a 'magical seal' with not much description, so I put it on his breastplate. But then I thought that there wasn't much to distinguish him from the warrior apart from the helmet, so I put it on a shield as well. I know the shield is kinda the knight's thing so I made it small and round. The Mystic (middle) Is pretty useless. It freezes mobs, but nobody can hurt them while frozen. It's really only useful for escaping quickly. The sorcerer wields a wand like the priest, but also uses a 'sceptre' that hits multiple enemies in a lightning pattern, hence the lightning in the sketch. He will be fun to color because of the red cloak and the glowing yellow eyes inside the pitch-black hood. Well, I think that just about wraps it up for this one. It's the last week of my holiday from schoolwork (sniff) then back to work for a few weeks before my Summer classes at Cornish down in Seattle (looking forward to them) The rest of the week's pretty busy. I have a friend coming over tomorrow, an open night at Justin's on Thursday, and an art lesson on Friday (followed by book club in the afternoon) Well, be seeing you Friday night!

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