Tuesday, May 29, 2012

ROTMG Classes pg 4

So here is the penultimate page of the Realm of the Mad God classes. What's quite amusing is that ever since I posted these (and especially with the color necromancer) my pageviews have gone up. Not dramatically, still about 3 or 4, but they are more consistent, coming nearly every day instead of at intervals of close to weeks. It seems my posts come up a lot in google image searches. Anyway, on the far left is the paladin. I wasn't quite sure what to do for his special, which is just called a 'magical seal' with not much description, so I put it on his breastplate. But then I thought that there wasn't much to distinguish him from the warrior apart from the helmet, so I put it on a shield as well. I know the shield is kinda the knight's thing so I made it small and round. The Mystic (middle) Is pretty useless. It freezes mobs, but nobody can hurt them while frozen. It's really only useful for escaping quickly. The sorcerer wields a wand like the priest, but also uses a 'sceptre' that hits multiple enemies in a lightning pattern, hence the lightning in the sketch. He will be fun to color because of the red cloak and the glowing yellow eyes inside the pitch-black hood. Well, I think that just about wraps it up for this one. It's the last week of my holiday from schoolwork (sniff) then back to work for a few weeks before my Summer classes at Cornish down in Seattle (looking forward to them) The rest of the week's pretty busy. I have a friend coming over tomorrow, an open night at Justin's on Thursday, and an art lesson on Friday (followed by book club in the afternoon) Well, be seeing you Friday night!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Lightning Mech

Hello once again!
This is one I did a few weeks ago with my digital art teacher in Corel painter. I had a lot of fun doing the lightning, and the little power bars on the arms. I have had the idea in my sketchbook for a while, just a pen lineart, but I overlaid the scanned image to get the basic shapes. I am also quite proud of how the clouds turned out! The feet are a little bit small, but I think that the wings indicate that it flies a lot, and so feet aren't as important for balance. The bobble on the head is the cockpit, but I don't know what the others are. I put the burnt tree in for perspective. (he's quite big!)
Almost forgot to post again! whew!
P.S. That's my new signature in the corner.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Look out! The cute will SWALLOW YOUR SOOOOUL..... Actually I had some people suggest his eyes were a bit *too* scary, but I thinks he looks thoroughly evil. Really cartoony style here again, still using my better fur effect (actually I looked at Expendapug from a while back, and that actually looked pretty bad!) I love little touches, and the text and flames were good examples. I just had this on white with red text, and I thought 'it looks a bit bland.' So I shaded the upper part of the text and added some flames. THEN it looked done to me. I will be putting this on Zazzle soon as a t-shirt so people can buy it! I will definitely keep making these pugs. Not sure what's coming next, I need to come up with some ideas. It would be cool if I could animate these, but I have no knowledge of that area.
See you on Friday,

Friday, May 18, 2012

Medusa Commander

Okay, another quick post (need to get better at remembering to do this!) This is a picture of a Medusa leader. Technically the lines should be white but it's hard to do that without making everything else dark, and this was kinda meant as a quickie. Still, I think the green is my favorite color for the Medusae. I did this with watercolor on pencil & pen. (quickly becoming my favorite technique) For those of you who did not read earlier post on the White rank Medusa, a quick review: They can plug into large terminals (which this one is) that increase their computational power tenfold, as well as link them (in thought) to nearly all the other Medusae, acting as a long-range communication device. That's why only the highest-rank Medusae can use them. I made the hands and feet a bit bigger on this one, not sure why. (I LOVE how the 'glow' came out with the watercolor.) 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ROTMG classes page 3

Okay, here is page 3 of my Realm Of The Mad God classes sketches! (almost forgot to post tonight! Herp Derp) The Assassin is a pretty good class, the daggers get pretty powerful, and the special (pot of poison) gets REALLY powerful but it's hard to use. (yes, I gave him knife-boots. He doesn't really have them but the class isn't very assassin-y in my view) The Knight has a magical shield that fires a wave of magic, and the Huntress throws 'traps' that don't do anything until a mob gets near it. It is basically the assassin special but it's mob-triggered. I really enjoyed drawing the knight in particular. I hope you people are sufficiently excited about the final after seeing these sketches!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mars Mission

Okay, sorry for the late post, I was meant to post on Friday but we got kinda busy preparing for Mother's day. Anyway, happy Mother's day everyone! (or your mothers, rather) The pic of the day is a sketch of a Mars mission (Lego) minifig! This was drawn from a real one, sitting on my desk. Mars Mission, after they brought it back from the dead, was without a doubt one of my favorite series! Yes, there are a few mistakes here but I enjoyed drawing it!
See you on teusday!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

ROTMG Page 2

Okay, just a quick post. Here is the second page of the Realm Of The Mad God sketches. The rogue and warrior are tier-3 unlock classes, both melee fighters. I have already told you about (and you have seen an image of) The necromancer (best class ever!) The warrior was especially fun to do. I'm not sure about the rogue's bandanna though. I'm going to have fun with him, a little swooshy cloak action in the final, I think. Okay! Well, now that exam's over I should be able to make a bit more headway on the final (I have the sketch done already, need to start doing the proper 'painting.' Actually, I have a COMPASS test on monday, so I will be preparing for that, but next week should pick up (i hope!)

Monday, May 7, 2012

AP Psychology

Whew! glad that's over! FINALLY went in and did the test. I think it went pretty well (actually the MC was fine, but the essays were a bit odd, I think I may have messed those up a bit) However, I'm not allowed to talk about it (all very hush hush, what!) but I will say I am SO glad to have finally done it. Hopefully I should have some more time for art, especially for writing. Also, I am going to try to post more regularly, I think every Tuesday and Friday would be good.
Anyway, see you on tuesday! (not IRL, just virtually!)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Realm of the Mad God Necromancer

Okay, this is my 'realistic' version of the Necromancer (best class in ROTMG really, the destruction of the Wizard combined with the healing of the Priest makes for a truly winning character) With his staff and skull (which does area damage and heals you and nearby players) Used sprites for the cloak and weapons as well as the character sprite himself. This was done with pencil, outlined in pen, and colored with watercolor. (i think the skull is the bast part) This is VERY cartoony and the big project will not be done this way, since it will be digital, I am going for a more realistic feel. Still, really happy with this! I was going to post the next page of class sketches but I know I have some readers who will LOVE to see this.
(Necro FTW!)