Wednesday, March 14, 2012


A kinda-random drawing. Well, I have drawn this monster a few times, just I put him in a scene. Basic, scruffy shading on the background and on the monster itself somewhat. I also outlined it in pen, which is why the tiny little man down there doesn't have a strong outline. It's meant to be crawling out of a deep, dark pool of water, but I am considering changing it to lava in a future re-hash, then we can get some fancy under-lighting in. A friend told me it looks a LOT like a Zelda boss, but I forget which one. Any ideas? Also, does anyone have any ideas as to an official name for the monster? If I am changing it to be a lava-dweller, I am thinking something like The Great Ember-Dweller. (maybe he's some kind of Ancient God, I think) 

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