Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Endermen - Before and After

I did this a few days ago. A picture of my *favorite* Minecraft monster: Endermen! It is popular to draw 'realistic' minecraft monsters, and I always felt that the endermen are meant to be MUCH scarier than they are portrayed. On the left is my original scanned sketch done with pen, on the right is the Painter version. I did the moon by opening an image in Gimp, then copying it out and pasting it. After a few trims, I just added the glow on a seperate layer behind it. Vignette always helps in an image, I find, and I wanted this image to be really dark, with the backs of the E-men fading into the night, so there is HEAVY vignette there. I really like the way it interacted with the floor texture as well.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Snow Goose

This is a practice I did with Aaron, my teacher. The goose is from one of his works, he gave me a copy where all the parts were mapped out, like the medusa a while back (before it was done) and we did it together, using his style where we use digital tools to simulate more traditional styles.
I hope you like!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Here it is, the first of my scanned drawings!
I did this one at one of the thursday nights at Justin's. Not entirely sure what it is, or even whether it is military or something else. The snout is probably a gun though. I like drawing robots! (especially steampunk ones) I tried to go a bit more detailed with the joints and so on than I usually do, but my favorite features are definitely the scissor hands. Not so happy with the angle of the right foot. I'm not sure whether I'll color this one, but I don't think I will.

Friday, February 17, 2012

New drawings

Well, I scanned in a bunch of stuff yesterday to upload. (I am not going to upload it yet. I want to be able to post a steady stream of stuff) They look really good! I am really happy Justin let me use his scanner! Also, all these digital copies mean that I can start to make digital paintings, using them as sketches! Well, C-ya-layt-R,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Olson Imolgen

This is Olson Imolgen, a lone mercenary sniper with wings and an advanced cloaking system and rifle he developed himself. He has never been asked for his money back so far. (no, he has never killed his employers. He's just really good) A few years ago he lost his legs from the middle of the shins down when they got trapped under falling debris, which is why his feet are robotic. Yes, I know, it looks similar to Medusa. Well, I had the idea in my head and I wanted to do it, and I am glad how it came out. The red lines are meant to be his cloak activating (or maybe deactivating) The blobs are meant to be worn patches (a technique I am working on) I still want to maybe do some cracks radiating from the crater, once I work out how, so it isn't completely done. Anyway, I hope you like it! (yes, that's my watermark in the middle.)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I am intending to do a series of chibis, all of my favorite singers/groups, so I thought first i'd have a stab at drawing a generic chibi in the style I intend to do the rest. I used Painter, I really should have used a vector program, but it actually came out rather well! I have also invented a watermark to use on my stuff. (not that any of my current readers will steal anything but it's a useful thing to have.)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another Writing Practice

This was also intended as a writing practice!

Fleks ran as hard as he could, but he could feel the shadows gaining on him. He considered turning to fight but the sane side of his brain quickly reminded him of the overwhelming numbers on his heels. He looked up again, his breath coming in desperate gasps. He could see the door ahead of him, but it was slowly closing, a huge metal slab grinding down steadily. It was several moments before he realized that tears were escaping down his cheeks. He wouldn’t be stopped this time. He couldn’t. Every time Vandham escaped him, his anger grew. Every time the tyrant who had destroyed society, wiped out his friends and family, and forced all into submission under his extraordinary power escaped, his anger rose. Vandham believed that he only had to keep running, that Fleks’ anger would be his undoing, but as his emotions intensified, he learned to control and focus it. Fleks would not be consumed by anger. It was his strength. 
But as Fleks ran onwards, the door inexorably drew lower. The shadows behind him screeched as they realized he was escaping. One desperate monster leapt for him, grabbing for his shoulder, but Fleks threw a wild punch behind him. He must have hit it because it fell back among the others with a screech. The door was only meters away now, but only feet from the floor. At the last second, Fleks threw himself forward, sliding right under the door with feet to spare. He was about to get up when something jerked on his leg. glancing behind him, he saw one of the hideous shadow monsters clutching onto his foot. Fleks shook his foot wildly and tried to pull it out of the monster’s grip but he only succeeded in pulling the thing closer to him. He thought about attacking it with his sword but he couldn’t get it out while he was sitting on it. His mind raced. The monster growled. The door was only centimeters away from his foot. Just before the door touched Fleks’ foot, he drew on all his strength and pulled the arm of the beast under the door. It still refused to let go, so the door closed on it’s arm with a sickening crunch. Shaking the limp hand off his foot, Fleks got to his feet. And groaned in frustration. Through the door he had seen an elevator which would take him all the way to the ground floor of the building where Vandham was hiding. It should be here. Instead, He was back where he started. A solid wall behind him, three corridors in front of him, one maintenance duct above.
“This place is a maze, isn’t it?” Came a disembodied voice from the shadows.
“Where are you?” replied Fleks. “Who are you?”
“It is a labyrinth, in the truest sense of the word. The corridors literally re-arrange themselves. It would be safer to face Vandham’s guards than traverse this deathtrap.”
Fleks narrowed his eyes. “How do you know I’m after Vandham? And there is no way I could beat all his guards.” 
“Nonsense. I have seen you fight. Your skill surpasses any I have seen. And It always helps to have an ally.”
“Who are you?” said Fleks in exasperation, his anger rising. In response, the voice stepped out of the shadows, becoming a skinny man wearing layers of tattered cloaks under an old metal breastplate. A mask with a thin slit for eyes and a single thin ridge running all the way down the front obscured his face.
“Let’s just say I am a concerned individual. You can call me Svek. You still have your sword?” 
Fleks nodded. “And an old pistol.”
“Excellent. Then let’s go get Vandham. I’m sure we’ll make a great team.”

What do you guys think?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Snohomish Teens

This was just a quick 15-minute project. My mom was setting up a Snohomish Teens homeschool group, and she wanted me to make a picture with the Snohomish bridge and the mountains in the background. (my first commission!) The water looked pretty cruddy when I had it scaled up, but it looks a lot better when it's small. I'm also quite proud of my clouds. And I really like pictures with BIG LETTERS on them, I think because of the focus they bring to the picture. (i'm not entirely sure though)
Some news: Justin Hillgrove (I have been going to some of his open nights at his house, look him up!) has offered to let me scan some of my drawings on his big scanner so I can post them on my blog! So you should see a lot more traditional stuff in a few weeks. Furthermore, when I get a good scanner of my own, I'll be able to sketch things out on paper and use Painter on top of them to color them. (I find color on Painter easy, but not the sketching!)
Over and out!