Thursday, December 13, 2012

Daily Doodle 1!

Those of you who check Fak-e-Book will know that I am changing the blog into a "daily doodle" dealio, while future "projects" will be posted on Facebook. Today is my stylized version of the best villain in storytelling history: The Xenomorph! I love 'em so much.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bounty Hunter

Welcome to Monday, everyone!

The original idea for this drawing came from a little idea where a guy walks into a (sci-fi) bar carrying the severed and beaten-up head of a Medusa and thumps it down on the bar, ordering a drink. The whole room goes quiet, old Western style. For this is a man who not only killed a Medusa, but brought back it's heavily damaged head as well! Medusas have a famous reputation for being allegedly indestructible, so you can see why this man is a source of fascination.

You see, he belongs to a secret organization called the MEG, or Medusa Elimination Group. Well, when I say secret, plenty of people know it exists, but it is still an "official" secret. The MEG has an unknown number of members, all of which have been highly trained in the 'art' of killing Medusas. However, what outsiders do not know is that the MEG works in close affiliation with the Medusas themselves, hiring them out as hitmen on 'infected' or rogue Medusas, even offering them specialized training to help them accomplish this task.

To explain: when a Medusa is 'infected' it means the wireless network that links all Medusas has been infected by a virus, or perhaps a mutation that evolved into a virus. Medusas can repel these attacks, but not after several hundred have been permanently affected. These viruses can range from inducing insanity, to death, to a hatred of their own kind. Whatever it is, the Medusas would much rather send an expendable lesser race to deal with them rather then do it themselves.

However, it sometimes happens that a MEG member will become intoxicated with the feeling of power of killing a supposedly indestructible being, and will go on a killing spree of non-infected Medusas. This greatly angers the Medusas, causing them to murder up to a thousand MEG members in retaliation, just to make the MEG remember it's place: employees, not superiors. These drops in the number of members have happened about twice in the last fifty years.

Maybe at some point I'll enlarge the project, but for now, its just a sketch (4x6 in. paper)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The latest Project!

Before we begin, I have to say that this is one of my favorite projects of all time, I think. Not only did I finish off the Medusas (the illustration you see before you is exactly how I want them to look) but I got to draw an awesome suit of armor as well! Hopefully, regular readers of my blog will know what the Medusas are (if not look back to previous posts) and the anthro dragon goes by the name of Nikola Fafnir, and is the 'persona' of my Best Friend when she's on deviantart. She asked me to create, and I quote, a "badass ID," so here it is. Nik is by no means the type of character who would dress in full armor and weild a sword, but hey, it's pretty "badass" if I say so myself. These two would make a great team in a fight, I'd say...
You can check out Nik's dA page here:  Link of Awesome!
P.S. More Medusas coming up!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Welcome to Friday!

The pictures above are photos of some of Conner's art. This is all done with pen (pencil sketches tho) including greyscale pens and markers. I love his style, and I have been messing about with grey markers lately too, trying to make some more 3-D-looking pen drawings. I really need to get some stuff scanned, hopefully I'll get that chance on Thursday. Then there will be a steady flow of art! hahahaha...
My first vlog should be online, btw. I have been taking the video camera with me, but so far I have failed to record a comprehensive day. :( I'll keep trying though, once I get it all worked out that channel will have it's first video.
Samuel out!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Vlog and Star News

Okay, so I'm going to paste in some writing which you can probably already see under here. I'm going to write posts like this occasionally, with a little bit of personal stuff at the beginning and some writing underneath. Sometimes I will post snippets of other projects, but these fake 'news reports' that fit in with my universe will be made exclusively for the blog. Before we get to that, I have to say that I have recorded my first vlog! I need to do some editing and other stuff before it goes up, but when it does I will post a link for you lot.
Anyway, here is my first 'News Report' post:


   The second ‘ultra-virus’ to hit the Medusa network (the semi-psychic wireless network that links all the Medusa robots, or 'units' together) in the last two hundred years has just been deactivated, and the source is being traced as we speak. The Medusas themselves have stated that they are working on a way to counter it’s effects, but they will not state what those effects are. However, the Old One (leader of all Medusas) has warned the public to stay away from areas where Medusas have been sighted or are known to reside. Some areas are already being guarded by units marked by the distinctive red markings of Medusa military. There have been no disturbances or human casualties reported, but Medusa reports say that about two hundred units have been affected, about 25% of which are blue, (royal guard) 5% are red, (military) and the rest are green-ranked, making this virus the highest-ranked attack on the Medusa mind-network yet.

   There were few exciting changes in the Great Interstellar Market this week, but by no means was it quiet. A Squidlah mining expedition arrived with a very large shipment of gold, but luckily it proved not to be stolen this time. Concentric Engines Inc. recently lost money over a new engine design which proved to be faulty. They are currently attempting to sue the rival company Axiom Machines on allegations of espionage, but it seems unlikely they will win. Two Moons Weaponry’s profits have evened out over the last few weeks as the brief war between the Euopi empire and a raider group known as the ‘Khazka’ ended with the pirates’ defeat.

   A new material simply known as ‘Blue’ was created in the lab of celebrated biological engineer and astrophysicist Tirqu a few days ago. He claims that the liquid is capable of locomotion and complex learning patterns. Meanwhile, the labs of Axiom Machines are hard at work to create short-range personal teleporters, much like those found in the Great Market, but small enough to fit on a belt. Finally, researchers on the human colony Avis III have spotted a planet about two lightyears into Rousala-controlled space that could be capable of sustaining life. They are currently negotiating a rendezvous with a Rousalan carrier so that they can ‘catch a ride’ to this promising planet.

   The notorious wanderer known as Hyatt Cycles has been claimed to have been sighted near a Medusa-controlled facility on Hepburn-12, but there is no solid evidence. An eyewitness reported “I only saw him for a second or two, but I saw his face, and I’m convinced it was him. When he saw me he ran down an alley, that strange little thing of his following him at a run. I followed them, but they were gone.”   
   Rumours are still circulating that Mr. Cycles has been meeting with high officials and dignitaries of several races, but if so his purpose is unclear.

Star News: Bringing you the best news since 2063.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New accounts everywhere...

So I've been doing a lot of online managing lately. I have a new Youtube channel, which I will post my vlogs to as soon as I get the chance to record something. I also have a new deviantart account, (closed the old one) where I will be posting my art but also impersonating one of my characters at the same time. I will also make another youtube account for a little video project I'm working on, which involves taking small snippet videos of my life and putting them together by day. I won't be recording the normal working days, obviously. Because "here's me doing a math problem" is real exciting isn't it! Anyway, I still need to make an account for that, but I will be recording some of my day at EvCC tomorrow. I'm also knocking this blog down to a post a week, just to make things easier. My vlog will be very random and probably not very often at all, at least every 2 weeks. But once things clear up I will try to regulate it. I kinda have no new art for a while... hopefully Justin will have an open night next week and I can have a scan-fest.
Until then...

my dA account:

my youtube vlog account:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quick update!

Okay, no art for today.
I'm just letting you guys know that I will try moving my post days to Wednesday evening and Sundays, as they seem to be the times I get a bit of free time to post. I was maybe going to post some writing today, but I kinda forgot, so this Sunday should be the next post. A while ago I thought of maybe vlogging, but for now that would be a bit too much work. Maybe when my college courses are over, I'll try to start one. (a lot less regularly than this blog though.)
See ya!